What is a Chimney Inspection?

What is a Chimney Inspection? What to expect?

Before the chimney Sweep arrives be sure you are prepared!

The inspection and cleaning might begin inside,  and may or may not involve a camera. The sweep will search for any buildup on the chimney walls as well as blockages in the chimney itself. Expect our sweepers to take proactive measures to minimize mess, inside or out, and to clean up any debris before leaving.

If your chimney needs a deeper clean, such as a chemical treatment to get rid of late-stage creosote glaze, the visit may last a few hours or it may require another visit. Most Chimney Sweeps are on a tight schedule and assume that it will be a standard cleaning not an extensive overhaul. Some Chimney Sweeps are not prepared to do all maintenance a chimney may need because of the potential need for special chemicals or equipment. If masonry work is required he may refer you to a licensed masonry contractor as this is usually beyond the scope of a chimney sweeps expertise If the chimney sweep needs to do minor repairs, such as replacing a missing chimney cap or damaged chimney liner, they may or may not complete this the same day, depending on the sweep’s policies and tools they have on hand. Most chimney sweeps have a policy now of not getting on the roof without lifts for safety reasons. Lift rental is expensive and the cost of a lift will be passed to the homeowner.

If our sweeper suggests masonry or other in-depth repairs, discuss how to proceed. It’s a good idea to request an explanation of any suggested repairs, and why these repairs are necessary, and suggested pros to complete anything outside the chimney sweep’s expertise.

Request a Chimney Cleaning and Inspection

With this information we will call you, give you an estimate, and make an appointment,to Inspect and Clean your Chimney

After submitting this form, you can expect an immediate confirmation email and then a phone call to confirm a date and time for the service.

Best Time for Service